1.have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun);
John is rich
2.be identical to; be someone or something;
The president of the company is John Smith
3.occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere;
Where is my umbrella? The toolshed is in the back
4.have an existence, be extant;
Is there a God?
5.happen, occur, take place;
I lost my wallet; this was during the visit to my parents' house
6.be identical or equivalent to;
One dollar equals 1,000 rubles these days!
7.form or compose;
This money is my only income
8.work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function;
He is a herpetologist
9.represent, as of a character on stage;
Derek Jacobi was Hamlet
10. spend or use time;
I may be an hour
11. have life, be alive;
Our great leader is no more
12. to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form;
let her be
13. be priced at;
These shoes cost $100
簡介 BE同時還是魔獸系列游戲中血精靈的縮寫(Blood Elf) 別稱:辛多雷 組成:血精靈、辛多雷 語言: 薩拉斯語血精靈歷史 血精靈曾經是暗夜精靈的一部分。 一萬年前,暗夜精靈就在古卡里姆多大陸上生活了,他們依靠位于大陸中心的永恒之井——一個充滿魔法能量的井獲得了強大的魔法能量。但是他們卻在女王艾撒拉和手下的高等精靈的領導下無節制的使用著魔法能量,終于引來了燃燒軍團的入侵。在那次可怕的大爆炸后,永恒之井毀滅了