1 . 位于
The new stations, the Xiluodu and Xiangjiaba hydropower stations, will be located(位于) in the boundary region (邊界) of southwest China's Sichuan.
2 . 地處
Countries in which the rainforests are locatedare mostly poor and overpopulated., 地處熱帶雨林的國家大都貧窮 , 人口過剩.
3 . 坐落
Many of our plants are locatedin undeveloped areas ., 我們許多工廠坐落在發展欠發達地區.
4 . 位處
locatedin special economic zones in the central , municipal finance , trade , information center ., 位處經濟特區中部 , 市金融 , 商貿 , 信息中心.