1.not stale or old;
fresh bread
2.(of a cycle) beginning or occurring again;
a fresh start
3.imparting vitality and energy;
the bracing mountain air
4.of a kind not seen before;
the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem
5.not canned or otherwise preserved;
fresh vegetables
6.not containing or composed of salt water;
fresh water
7.having recently calved and therefore able to give milk;
the cow is fresh
8.with restored energy
9.not soured or preserved;
sweet milk
10. free from impurities;
clean water
11. not artificial;
fresh cut flowers
12. not yet used or soiled;
a fresh shirt
13. improperly forward or bold;
don't be fresh with me
14.very recently;
they are newly married
品牌簡介 品牌誕生地: 美國 品牌定位: 法國LVMH集團旗下的高端護膚品牌。 品牌特色及發展史 帶有濃厚人文色彩的fresh相信,人類幾百年的文化智慧是美顏的寶貴遺產,不需要改變,只需要改良。fresh把世界各地民族流傳的古老美容秘方,結合現代人的喜好習慣,重新調配成適合日常使用的護膚系列。比如:玫瑰,紅茶,大豆,澄糖等。 Fresh因獨特的新舊融合,在業界自成一格,并反映在懷舊包裝與恬靜色彩中,滲透一份摩登的簡約美學