1.emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts;
the sun was bright and hot
2.having striking color;
bright greens
3.characterized by quickness and ease in learning;
some children are brighter in one subject than another
4.having lots of light either natural or artificial;
the room was bright and airy
5.made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow;
bright silver candlesticks
the bright stars of stage and screen
7.not made dim or less bright;
undimmed headlights
8.clear and sharp and ringing;
the bright sound of the trumpet section
9.characterized by happiness or gladness;
bright faces
10. abounding with sunlight;
a bright sunny day
11. full or promise;
had a bright future in publishing
12.with brightness;
the stars shone brilliantly
bright:在現實生活中也是日本的一個女子福音團體名,BRIGHT的前身是在2001年由三個小學時代的好朋友NAGI、MI-MI、MEG三個人組成的女子福音團體,后來NANAKA在2003年加入后,把團體名正式訂為【BRIGHT】,團名來源是希望成為光輝的存在照亮人心。在英文中解作形容詞(光亮的, 閃光的, 發光的)、副詞(明亮地,光亮地,清亮地)、名詞(詩歌輝煌,輝耀,光輝)。