1.lacking definite form or limits;
gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion- H.T.Moore
2.(of especially liquids) clouded as with sediment;
a cloudy liquid
3.full of or covered with clouds;
cloudy skies
英文單詞cloudy [ 'k l audi] adj.多云的;陰天的;愁云面容的;有云的; 詞語: 1 Partly Cloudy:局部多云; 暴力云與送子鶴; 2 Mostly Cloudy:大部分多云; 滿云密布; 3 be cloudy:多云的; 4 Cloudy Sphere:云霧之球; 5 Cloudy Hill:九龍坑; 例句和用法; 1 ln that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen. 在那多云的天空中,只能看見孤零零的一顆星. 2 A good artist should not be cloudy, but he want ste