國慶節的由來英文 國慶節的來歷中英文對照
Oct.1st is the national day of China.In 1949.Oct.1st,was the first year of the national day of China.At that time,people were very happy,because China has been free ,the war has just stopped.We were the winner!Then every year of this day,people put the national flag out to celebrate.At the capital of China--Peking,there is a lot of people to parade and celebrate in the national day.Everybody was happy and very exciting.It was very lively.Do you want to know and see it? Come and visit us for the national day of China.
Nodal background of Chinese great occasion of nation
One phrase of" great occasion of nation", a nation is pleased to celebrate of matter, was see in the west Jin at the earliest stage.The author six machines of the west Jin are in 《 fifth wait various theory 》《五等諸侯論》one text once have" great occasion of nation only the its benefit, the main sorrow harms with it" to jot down, the important event that our country feudal age, nation is pleased to celebrate, great too Caesarean mount the throne, birthday( the Manchu Dynasty calls the birthday of the emperor as the long live stanza) etc……As a result the ancient times of our country ascends the throne the emperor, the birthday is called" great occasion of nation".Call that the anniversary of the national establishment celebrates for the country today.
“ 國慶”一詞,本指國家喜慶之事,最早見于西晉。西晉的文學家陸機在《五等諸侯論》一文中就曾有“國慶獨饗其利,主憂莫與其害”的記載、我國封建時代、國家喜慶的大事,莫大過于帝王的登基、誕辰(清朝稱皇帝的生日為萬歲節)等。因而我國古代把皇帝即位、誕辰稱為“國慶”。今天稱國家建立的紀念日為國慶。國慶節是怎么來的 國慶節的來歷
On October 1 in 1949, it is the anniversary that new China establish.The here should explain 1:00, in many persons' impression, Tienanmen Square of l day at Peking of October of 1949 holds to count the People's Republic of China that 100,000 armed forces and people attend to found a nation the big .In fact, this impression within people's brains prohibits also indeed.Isn't to found a nation the big because, the ceremony that hold in Tienanmen Square on October 1 was central people's government of the People's Republic of China in 1949 to establish the prosperous ,。Actually, the People's Republic of China" found a nation", also is to say that the People's Republic of China establish, as early as that year previous week of October 1 has already declared.Also don'ted call at that time" founded a nation the big ", but call" founded a nation the prosperous ".Time is September 21 in 1949.This day, the Chinese domestic affairs cures to negotiate the meeting to prepare and plan the meeting director the hair 澤 east helps the first batch meeting in the 政 up with the result that of open to have already announced new naissance of China in the phrase.
So a day of great occasion of nation is what is the row again October?Cure to negotiate the national committee of the meeting first batch in the Chinese domestic affairs meeting for the first time up, wide the even speech say:" MA3 XU4 LUN2's member of committee asks for leave and can't come, he gives me to say, the People's Republic of China establish, should have the great occasion of nation for day, so hope to will decide to settle October 1 to celebrate the day for the country originally." The hair 澤 east say" we should make on suggest, suggest toward the government, decide from the government." On October 2 in 1949, central people's government pass 《 concerning resolution of the People's Republic of China great occasion of nation day 》 《關于中華人民共和國國慶日的決議》, provision every year October 1 celebrates the day for the country, and be the day that announce the People's Republic of China's establish this day. From now on, October 1 of every year became the festival that national and each with solemn and impressive clansmen people celebrate.
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