大家都在找的漢字: 菩 葡 菐 蒱 蒲 僕 酺 導 墣 獛 璞 穙 鏷 瞨 濮 廚 贌 鏷 纀
to cut the flesh from the bone; to scrape off; to pick out; to get rid of, to arrest; to catch to seize, to struggle; to fight; to conflict; to vie; to compete
【卯集下】【斤字部】? ·康熙筆畫:10 ·部外筆畫:6
《集韻》歷各切,音洛。剔也。或作?。 又各額切,音格。捕也。鬬也。《玉篇》亦作〈各戈〉。