墾請(kěn qǐng)
Pronunciation: kěn qǐng
Basic Meaning:
墾請 is a Chinese idiom that means "to cultivate and open up new land." It refers to the act of reclaiming and developing new land for agricultural purposes.
Detailed Explanation:
墾請 is composed of two characters: 墾 (kěn) and 請 (qǐng). 墾 means "to cultivate" or "to reclaim," and 請 means "to ask" or "to invite." Together, 墾請 emphasizes the action of cultivating and developing new land through hard work and effort.
Usage Scenarios:
墾請 is often used to describe the process of reclaiming and cultivating new land for farming or other agricultural purposes. It can also be used metaphorically to refer to the act of exploring and developing new fields or industries.
Story Origin:
The origin of the idiom can be traced back to ancient China, where agriculture played a crucial role in people's lives. Cultivating and opening up new land was a challenging and labor-intensive task, requiring great determination and effort. The idiom 墾請 emerged as a way to praise and encourage the hard work and dedication of those who were willing to take on the challenge of reclaiming and developing new land.
Structure of the Idiom:
墾請 is a combination of two characters: 墾 (kěn) and 請 (qǐng).
Example Sentences:
1. 他們墾請了大片的荒地,建設了一座現代化的農場。
Translation: They reclaimed a large area of wasteland and built a modern farm.
2. 這個地區的農民經過多年的墾請,將一片荒漠變成了肥沃的農田。
Translation: After years of cultivation, the farmers in this region turned a desert into fertile farmland.
Memory Techniques:
To remember the meaning of 墾請, you can associate it with the image of farmers working hard to reclaim and cultivate new land. Visualize the process of reclaiming and opening up new fields, and the effort and determination required to achieve this goal.
Extended Learning:
To further explore the concept of 墾請, you can learn more about the history of agriculture in China and the importance of land cultivation in traditional Chinese culture. Additionally, you can research other related idioms and expressions that highlight the value of hard work and perseverance.
Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:
1. Children: 我們一家人一起墾請一塊荒地,種植了許多蔬菜。
Translation: Our family reclaimed a piece of wasteland together and planted many vegetables.
2. Teenagers: 在現代社會,人們墾請新的領域,創造出許多新的科技產品。
Translation: In modern society, people explore new fields and create many new technological products.
3. Adults: 這個企業通過墾請新的市場,成功地拓展了業務。
Translation: This company successfully expanded its business by cultivating new markets.