微觀(wēi guān)
Pronunciation: wēi guān
Basic Meaning: Microscopic, small-scale, or detailed observation or analysis.
Detailed Explanation: 微觀 refers to the observation or analysis of things on a small scale, such as microscopic or detailed examination. It focuses on the individual components or elements of a larger system or phenomenon. 微觀 is often used in contrast to 宏觀 (hóng guān), which refers to a macroscopic or large-scale perspective.
Usage Scenarios: 微觀 is commonly used in various fields, such as physics, chemistry, biology, and economics, to describe the study or analysis of small-scale or detailed phenomena. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a close and detailed observation or analysis of a situation or problem.
Story Origin: There is no specific story origin for the term 微觀, as it is a combination of the Chinese characters 微 (wēi) meaning "micro" or "tiny" and 觀 (guān) meaning "observe" or "view". The term is derived from the concept of observing or analyzing things on a small scale.
Structure of the Idiom: The structure of 微觀 is straightforward, with 微 representing the micro or small-scale aspect, and 觀 representing the observation or analysis.
Example Sentences:
1. 在這個實驗中,我們需要進行微觀的觀察和分析。
(Zài zhè ge shí yàn zhōng, wǒ men xū yào jìn xíng wēi guān de guān chá hé fēn xī.)
In this experiment, we need to conduct microscopic observation and analysis.
2. 經濟學家使用微觀經濟學來研究個體經濟行為。
(Jīng jì xué jiā shǐ yòng wēi guān jīng jì xué lái yán jiū gè tǐ jīng jì xíng wéi.)
Economists use microeconomics to study individual economic behavior.
Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 微觀, you can associate it with the word "microscope" or "microscopic". Both words involve the idea of observing or analyzing things on a small scale. You can also create sentences or mnemonics using the term 微觀 to reinforce your memory.
Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of 微觀, you can explore related terms such as 宏觀 (hóng guān) and 微觀經濟學 (wēi guān jīng jì xué) in economics. Additionally, you can study examples of 微觀觀察 (wēi guān guān chá) in scientific research or learn about the application of 微觀分析 (wēi guān fēn xī) in various fields.
Example Sentences by Different Age Groups:
- Primary school student: 我用放大鏡進行了微觀觀察。 (Wǒ yòng fàng dà jìng jìn xíng le wēi guān guān chá.) - I used a magnifying glass for microscopic observation.
- Middle school student: 我們在化學實驗中進行了微觀分析。 (Wǒ men zài huà xué shí yàn zhōng jìn xíng le wēi guān fēn xī.) - We conducted microscopic analysis in the chemistry experiment.
- High school student: 微觀經濟學研究個體經濟行為的原因和結果。 (Wēi guān jīng jì xué yán jiū gè tǐ jīng jì xíng wéi de yuán yīn hé jié guǒ.) - Microeconomics studies the reasons and outcomes of individual economic behavior.