資藉豪富(zī jiè háo fù)
Pronunciation: zī jiè háo fù
Basic Meaning: Wealthy and influential
Detailed Explanation: 資藉豪富 describes someone who is both rich and influential. It refers to a person who possesses abundant wealth and has a high social status or powerful connections. This idiom emphasizes the combination of wealth and influence, suggesting that the person has both the financial means and the social capital to exert significant influence in society.
Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe someone who has both wealth and power, such as a successful entrepreneur or a high-ranking government official. It can also be used to describe a wealthy family or an influential organization.
Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China. In ancient times, wealth and power were closely linked, and those who were wealthy often held positions of influence or were connected to influential people. The idiom reflects the traditional Chinese value of combining wealth and power.
Structure of the Idiom: 資藉豪富 is a combination of three characters: 資 (zī), 藉 (jiè), and 豪富 (háo fù). Each character contributes to the overall meaning of the idiom.
Example Sentences:
1. 他是一位資藉豪富的商人,不僅擁有巨額財富,還有廣泛的社會關系。
Translation: He is a wealthy and influential businessman who not only possesses a huge fortune but also has extensive social connections.
2. 這個家族世代以來都是資藉豪富,他們在社會中享有很高的地位。
Translation: This family has been wealthy and influential for generations, and they hold a high position in society.
Memory Techniques: To remember the idiom 資藉豪富, you can break it down into its individual characters and create associations. For example, you can imagine a person (人 rén) with a pile of money (財 cái) and a network of connections (關 guān) around them, symbolizing wealth and influence.
Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of wealth and influence in Chinese culture, you can explore related idioms and phrases, such as 富貴榮華 (fù guì róng huá, wealth and honor) and 金玉滿堂 (jīn yù mǎn táng, abundant wealth). You can also research famous wealthy and influential figures in Chinese history and learn about their contributions to society.
Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:
1. Children (age 8-12): 他的爸爸媽媽都是資藉豪富,他們住在一座大別墅里。
Translation: His parents are wealthy and influential, and they live in a big mansion.
2. Teenagers (age 13-18): 這位年輕的企業家在短時間內成為了資藉豪富,他的成功令人欽佩。
Translation: This young entrepreneur has become wealthy and influential in a short period of time, and his success is admirable.
3. Adults (age 30+): 那位政要不僅是資藉豪富,還有很多社會資源,對社會發展有著重要的影響力。
Translation: That statesman is not only wealthy and influential but also has many social resources, exerting significant influence on social development.
1、撝資藉豪富,厚自奉養,供一身一月十萬。 [查看全部]
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