- Eight were standing, Two were cracking, Two were looking.
- The greater it is The less you see of it.
- Come up and let us go; Go down and here we stay.
- Long legs, Short thighs, Bald head And bullet eyes.
- What is it that has four legs And one back, Yet can't walk?
- What has teeth And can't bite?
- What is the center of gravity?
- What never asks questions but always gets answers?
- When Columbus discovered America,where did he stand?
- What has teeth but can't eat?
- Which eight-letter word has one letter in it?
- How many people are buried in that cemetery?
- What always goes to bed with his shoes on?
- Which is faster,heat or cold?
- What is the worst weather for mice?
- a cat,eyes like a cat,a tail like a cat ,but isn't a cat?
- What letter is a body of water?
- My second is performed by my first ,And, it is thought,A thief by the marks of my whole,Might be caught.
- 風蕭蕭,舟殘破 (打一字)
- 月月上山留足跡 (打一字)
- 別后轉眼前來謝 (打一字)
- 白等一回到頭頂 (打一字)
- 元宵節(jié)燈謎:元宵前后共團圓 (打一字)
- 一字排開臺上站 (打一字)
- 做人要一日三省 (打一字)
- 往前走 (打二字)
- 一半偷懶 (打一字)
- 多半不名一文 (打一字)
- 人在馬路中 (字一)
- 說一點不用錄寫 (打一潮劇劇目)
- 今天十二點四分會 (打一潮劇演員)
- 來人但見鬧市空 (打一字)
- 來日是生日 (打一字)
- 樹雄心甩掉尾巴 (打一字)
- 多半會南岳(打一字)
- 春末秋初花芬芳 (打一字)
- 絲巾隨風飄走 (打一字)
- 工人團結如一家 (打一字)
- 老虎搬家 (打一國家名)
- 悶聲不語 (打一文化名人)
- 月下吹竹笛 (打一字)
- 暮日落處帆半隱 (打一字)
- 競選成功 (打一古代名人)
- 下雪了 (打一字)
- 中國一加一 (打一字)
- 再買眼鏡助聽器 (打一成語)
- 魯北皖東 (打一字)
- 梨木沒用牛頂替 (打一字)
- 一月廿一日仍是農歷十二月 (打一字)
- 獨到白首十個十 (打一字)
- 老趙一走開,完全就變樣 (打一食品)
- 茅臺汾酒五糧液,生產(chǎn)流程一樣精 (打一成語)
- 意中人伴有離合 (打一字)
- 對人要講團結 (打一字)
- 有點漏雨了 (打一字)
- 若有邊框,其形如窗,四個窟窿,各不相連 (打一字)
- 橋前會友 (打一字)
- 一同走四方 (打一字)
- 角進半球 (打一字)
- 更加不堪重負 (打一字)
- 拼多多 (打一字)
- 兒童節(jié)的小禮物 (打一離合字)
- 竹笛吹聲傳上空 (打一字)
- 淚灑枕前聞鄉(xiāng)音 (打一字)
- 旅社一樓客早滿 (打一成語)
- 愛好旅游(打一成語)
- “我本是男兒郎。” (東漢人名一,秋千格)
- 八戒只會惹是非 (打一字)
- 村邊有女叫貝貝 (打一字)
- 邊走邊說 (打一字)
- 年初一晚上打一節(jié)目名稱
- 分田惹一是非 (打一字)
- 物以類聚 (著名APP一)
- 又得十分獲先機 (打一字)
- 秋雨落在馬路上 (打一字)
- 吹竹笛迎春 (打一字)
- 京東快遞去京不 (字一)
- 目前正下雪 (打一字)
- 梅花初放鮮露面 (打一字)
- 只有地利人和 (打一成語)
- 初秋統(tǒng)計,多出一半 (打一字)
- 秋末無雨雪 (打一字)
- 包頭有雨 (打一字)
- 太陽下作業(yè) (打一字)
- 許愿不愿在寒山 (打一河南名勝)
- 三個孩子三點歸 (打一字)
- 不用懸心 (打一字)
- 提前包裝 (打一字)
- 二郎擔山 (打一古代名將)
- 兩個人的世界 (字一)
- 多出一半計一年 (打一字)
- 再難見一面 (打一字)
- 不在榜首 (打一字)
- 他也拋棄角落頭 (打一字)
- 分頭包圍 (打一字)
- 衣裳脫去 (打一字)
- 白頭猶未改鄉(xiāng)音 (打一字)
- 撞到墻上不知回 (打一字)
- 廳中招待南北客 (打一字)
- 通渭縣05月30日天氣:多云轉中雨,風向:東北風,風力:<3級,氣溫:27/12℃
- 彭陽縣05月30日天氣:晴轉小雨,風向:無持續(xù)風向,風力:<3級轉3-4級,氣溫:25/11℃
- 都蘭縣05月30日天氣:小雨,風向:西北風,風力:<3級,氣溫:20/9℃
- 郎溪縣05月30日天氣:小雨轉雷陣雨,風向:東北風,風力:<3級,氣溫:27/21℃
- 特克斯縣05月30日天氣:晴轉多云,風向:無持續(xù)風向,風力:<3級,氣溫:22/9℃
- 聞喜縣05月30日天氣:多云,風向:西南風,風力:<3級,氣溫:23/16℃
- 宕昌縣05月30日天氣:小雨,風向:東北風,風力:<3級,氣溫:26/13℃
- 貴德縣05月30日天氣:小雨轉中雨,風向:東北風,風力:<3級,氣溫:25/12℃
- 甘德縣05月30日天氣:小雨轉多云,風向:南風,風力:3-4級轉<3級,氣溫:18/2℃
- 澄邁縣05月30日天氣:多云,風向:無持續(xù)風向,風力:<3級,氣溫:34/24℃
- Eight were standing, Two were cracking, Two were looking.
- The greater it is The less you see of it.
- Come up and let us go; Go down and here we stay.
- Long legs, Short thighs, Bald head And bullet eyes.
- What is it that has four legs And one back, Yet can't walk?
- What has teeth And can't bite?
- What is the center of gravity?
- What never asks questions but always gets answers?
- When Columbus discovered America,where did he stand?
- What has teeth but can't eat?
- Which eight-letter word has one letter in it?
- How many people are buried in that cemetery?
- What always goes to bed with his shoes on?
- Which is faster,heat or cold?
- What is the worst weather for mice?
- a cat,eyes like a cat,a tail like a cat ,but isn't a cat?
- What letter is a body of water?