China's first 3-D television channel will begin a trial run on Jan 1, before its official launch during Spring Festival in late January, according to TV authorities.
廣電總局新聞發言人介紹,3D電視試驗頻道由中央電視臺、北京廣播電視臺、上海廣播電視臺、天津廣播電視臺、江蘇廣播電視總臺、深圳電視臺等六家單位聯合 開辦,各臺分欄目制作3D電視節目,中央電視臺統一播出。這是我國首個立體電視節目綜合性試驗頻道,每天播出時間為10:30-24:00,每晚首播 4.5小時,每天重播兩次,共播出13.5小時。頻道內容主要包括動漫、體育、專題片、影視劇、綜藝等類型的3D電視節目,以及重大活動的現場轉播。
Six TV stations, China Central Television (CCTV), and those in Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, Shenzhen and Tianjin, will make 3-D programs for the channel, which is operated by CCTV.The channel will offer 3-D programs from 10:30 am to midnight and the programs will include animation, sports, documentaries, TV dramas, entertainment and live broadcasts of big events.The initial plan is for 4.5-hour packages to be broadcast for free three times a day, according to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.
"All stations are investing heavily to prepare 3-D programs now," said Mei Jianping, vice-director of CCTV Project Management Department.
As of last week, Jiangsu TV had recorded more than 30 programs, and eight programs had been sent to CCTV for airing, according to the administration.
A 3-D TV set is necessary to view the channel, and a survey provided by electronics retailer Suning shows that sales of 3-D TVs were more than 35 percent of color TVs in November and the price has decreased 33 percent on average since 2010. It also shows that most customers were between 30 and 45 years old.
"3-D TV is the big trend in the TV market," said Zhang Baozhong, a 34-year-old sales manager at a Wumart store in Beijing.
Wang Gangzhen and his nephew were shopping for a 3-D TV in the store. "It provides a more vivid view," said Wang, a loyal sports fan, who would like to watch the 2012 London Olympics on a 3-D TV.
Given the fact that there are 500 million TVs in China, launching 3-D channels will expand domestic demand and contribute to boosting the real economy, said the administration.
More than 45 percent of consumers have expressed interest in 3-D programs, and 35 percent said they would buy a 3-D TV set, according to a survey by China 3-D Industry Academy in March in six cities, including Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.
The survey also found that the biggest demand was for sports, culture, entertainment and technology programs.
The launch of the channel marks a new era in China's TV and radio industry and will help promote 3-D technologies and standards, according to the administration.
trial run:試播
official launch:正式播出
the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television:國家廣電局
expand domestic demand:擴大內需
boost [bu:st] the real economy:促進實體經濟發展
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