1 . Mr Lopez approached his task with a religious zeal .
2 . His reforming zeal was boundless.
3 . The reforms were carried out with an almost messianic zeal .
4 . Revolutionary zeal caught them up, and they joined the army.
革命熱情激勵他們, 于是他們從軍了.
5 . They worked with great zeal to finish the project.
1.a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause);
they were imbued with a revolutionary ardor
2.excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end;
he had an absolute zeal for litigation
1 . 熱心
zealous a. 熱心的,熱情的zealn. 熱心,熱情seal vt. 封 n. 1. 海豹 2. 印,圖章3.封口
2 . 熱情
...英國偶像, Y是,是的,yes, 盡量多說這個詞, Z是熱情,zeal, 渴望和熱情會傳染,所以,將你的熱情分享給團隊中的其他人, [1].
3 . 熱誠
特許經營 franchise熱誠 zeal信心 confidence
4 . 一心一意
224 zeal=ardor,表示”熱心“zealn 熱心,一心一意zealot n 熱心者,狂熱者(zeal+ot 表示人,如;hekot 奴.
1 . 宗教熱情
religious zeal ; willingness to serve God ., 宗教熱情; 為上帝服務的激情.
1 . 如此熱情地
I never heard someone read a Snickers bar label with such zeal before .我此前從未聽說一個人會如此熱情地閱讀士力架上的標簽。
1 . 狂熱圣騎士
2010年3月4日 - zeal din 狂熱圣騎士熱誠max 犧牲max 狂熱max 圣盾max 藐視10 攻擊時,左邊熱誠,右邊狂熱光環。我準備練的類型 【復仇進攻型】 魔法天使-復仇圣.
1 . 傳教熱火
...并治理該區的天主子民,該地區稱之為代牧區(法典371)。法典上與宗座監牧區類似,為過渡性的傳教地區。apostolic zeal:傳教神火;傳教熱火。Apostolicam Actuositatem(L.):《教友傳教》法令:梵二大公會議文獻之一(1.