1.a small portable timepiece
2.a period of time (4 or 2 hours) during which some of a ship's crew are on duty
3.a purposeful surveillance to guard or observe
4.the period during which someone (especially a guard) is on duty
5.a person employed to watch for something to happen
6.a devotional watch (especially on the eve of a religious festival)
1.look attentively;
watch a basketball game
2.follow with the eyes or the mind;
Keep an eye on the baby, please!
3.see or watch;
view a show on television
4.observe with attention;
They watched as the murderer was executed
5.be vigilant, be on the lookout, be on one's guard, be careful;
Watch out for pickpockets!
6.observe or determine by looking;
Watch how the dog chases the cats away
7.find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort;
I want to see whether she speaks French
watch的意思、解釋 過去式:watched; 過去分詞:watched; 現在分詞:watching; 復數形式:watches; vt. & vi.1. 看, 觀察2. 守衛[保護], 留心, 注視 vt.1. 注意, 當心2. 監視3. 守候,等待4. 照看;照料錛堄ざ蕊級;看管錛堁蛉旱蕊級 n.1. 看管2. 值班人員3. 表4. 值夜班5. 監視;注意;密切觀察6. 手表,懷表;掛表殼上系表鏈的環 vi.1. 值夜班;整夜守護錛埢蛘展孫級2. 守候錛堄 for 連用錛墂atch的用法例句 1. The c