1.the act of traveling by foot;
walking is a healthy form of exercise
2.(baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls;
he worked the pitcher for a base on balls
3.manner of walking;
he had a funny walk
4.the act of walking somewhere;
he took a walk after lunch
5.a path set aside for walking;
after the blizzard he shoveled the front walk
6.a slow gait of a horse in which two feet are always on the ground
7.careers in general;
it happens in all walks of life
1.use one's feet to advance; advance by steps;
Walk, don't run!
2.traverse or cover by walking;
Walk the tightrope
3.accompany or escort;
I'll walk you to your car
4.obtain a base on balls
5.live or behave in a specified manner;
walk in sadness
6.take a walk; go for a walk; walk for pleasure;
The lovers held hands while walking
7.give a base on balls to
8.be or act in association with;
We must walk with our dispossessed brothers and sisters
9.make walk;
He walks the horse up the mountain
10. walk at a pace;
The horsese walked across the meadow
歌曲介紹 《walk》收錄自美國獨立搖滾樂隊Foo Fighters的第七張錄音室專輯《Wasting Light》,該專輯發布于2011-4-12.該專輯是在主唱Dave Grohl家里的地下車庫制作完成的,而且由于缺乏數字錄音設備,他們不得不使用古老的模擬錄音設備完成這張專輯。最終這張專輯大獲成功,在第54屆格萊美中斬獲5項大獎。其中單曲《walk》收獲2項大獎。主要信息 歌曲英文名:《Walk》 歌手或樂隊: Foo Fighters 音樂風格: Alternative Rock 地