1 . Through some unfortunate accident, the information reached me a day late.
2 . Every year we have charity days to raise money for unfortunate people.
3 . It really is desperately unfortunate that this should have happened just now.
4 . Some unfortunate person passing below could all too easily be seriously injured.
5 . By an unfortunate oversight, full instructions do not come with the product.
1.a person who suffers misfortune
2.not favored by fortune; marked or accompanied by or resulting in ill fortune;
an unfortunate turn of events
3.not auspicious; boding ill
4.unsuitable or regrettable;
an unfortunate choice of words
1 . 不幸的
大約六個月前,在一項于赫爾辛基舉行的研討會上,帕金(Michael Parkin)用“不幸的”(unfortunate)來形容我們的文章。他的意思并非指該篇文章不受歡迎,而是指它誤導了許多人,使他們以為在通貨膨脹與失業之.
2 . 不幸
...只有雪萊留下來處理了她的后事,范妮死前留下了一封未署名的筆記,將自己描述為,不幸,unfortunate,的人,這可能與其母親沃斯通克拉夫特在一次試圖自殺前,在其,課程,上寫下的,我那不幸女兒,my un.
3 . 可取的
2010年6月大學英語四級考試最新版詞匯表(U) ... unfair a.不公平的,不公正的 unfortunatea.不幸的;可取的 unfortunately ad.不幸地.
4 . 不幸者
Do you mean the weak or the unfortunate?, 你是指弱者還是指不幸者?
1 . 這不幸
He screamed in fury at the unfortunate little girl ., 他激怒地對這不幸的小女孩尖叫.
1 . 不幸事件
we hope this unfortunate incident will not affect the relationship between us ., 我們希望這一不幸事件將不會影響到我們雙方之間的關系.
1 . 不幸的人們
we will do our utmost to help those unfortunate people ., 我們將盡全力去幫助那些不幸的人們.
1 . 這個不幸
Apart from this unfortunate incident , I find the theft interesting ., 撇開這個不幸事件不談 , 我覺得偷電這個問題很有意思.