1 . The majority always turn an unfavorable attitude towards atonal composition.
2 . He had formed an unfavorable opinion of my work.
3 . The weather is unfavorable to our plans.
4 . The unfavorable reviews of his first novel were a great discouragement to him.
5 . In spite of the unfavorable weather, the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.
盡管天氣不好, 但糧食產量并未下降,甚至比去年還略有增加.
1.not encouraging or approving or pleasing;
unfavorable conditions
2.(of winds or weather) tending to hinder or oppose;
unfavorable winds
3.not favorable;
made an unfavorable impression
1 . 不利的
:1.敵對的,充當或起反作用的 2.不利的(unfavorable) 3.逆的, 向相反方面移動的敵手() 不幸, 逆境他是我榮辱與共的朋友 =. (負債累累的).
2 . 不利
不利 harmful不利 unfavorable不利 unfavourable
3 . 不宜的
unfathomed 未被了解的unfavorable不宜的unfavorably 不適宜地
4 . 不順利
蹇簡介_什么是蹇_蹇指什么_蹇拼音、示例、用法、來... ... [misfortune] 蹇劣的命運,指不順利的遭遇 [exhausted;unfavorable] 不順利;不吉利 [obscure and clumsy] 文章或修辭呆板不流暢.
1 . 不利地區
unfaulted 無斷層的unfavorable area 不利地區unfavorable balance 逆差
1 . 不利差異
2、要根據成本差異的結果可分為不利差異和有利差異。 不利差異(Unfavorable Variance)是指成本的超支,即實際成本大于標準成本,通常用字母U表示。 有利差異(.
1 . 逆差
unfavorable area 不利地區unfavorable balance 逆差unfavorable trade balance 對外貿易逆差
1 . 不利因素
These are unfavorable factors in China ' s economic development ., 這些都是中國經濟發展的不利因素.