1.know and comprehend the nature or meaning of;
She did not understand her husband
2.perceive (an idea or situation) mentally;
Now I see!
3.make sense of a language;
She understands French
4.believe to be the case;
I understand you have no previous experience?
5.be understanding of;
You don't need to explain--I understand!
Understand is a static analysis toolfor maintaining, measuring, & analyzingcritical or large code bases. Understand是一款分析大型軟件工程的有力工具,由Scitools發行。 Understand集成了代碼編輯器,代碼跟蹤器和代碼分析器,提供了很強大的界面,將分析結果以各種形式(圖形、圖表、架構圖等)呈現給用戶,能很大程度的方便程序員進行開發,維護,調試其代碼。 目前Understand支持C/C++/C#, Ada, Java, FORTRAN, De