1.an aromatic gum resin obtained from various Arabian or East African trees; formerly valued for worship and for embalming and fumigation
2.(used to introduce a logical conclusion) from that fact or reason or as a result;
therefore X must be true
3.in the way indicated;
hold the brush so
adv.【正式】 1. 如此,這樣,以此方式 例: The new machines will work faster,thus reducing our costs. 新機器運轉的速度會更快,可以降低成本。 Thus the question was finally settled. 這個問題最終就這樣解決了。 Its people were thus reduced to slavery. 就這樣, 它的人民都淪為奴隸了。 Italy had thus practically declared her independence. 意大利幾乎就是這樣宣告獨立了。 2. 到如此程度 3. 因此,從而 4.thus