1.hang freely;
The secret police suspended their victims from the ceiling and beat them
2.cause to be held in suspension in a fluid;
suspend the particles
3.bar temporarily; from school, office, etc.
4.stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it;
Suspend the aid to the war-torn country
5.make inoperative or stop;
suspend payments on the loan
6.as of a prison sentence
功能說明: 暫停執行shell。語 法: suspend [-f]補充說明: suspend為shell內建指令,可暫停目前正在執行的shell。若要恢復,則必須使用SIGCONT信息。參 數: -f 若目前執行的shell為登入的shell,則suspend預設無法暫停此shell。若要強迫暫停登入的shell,則必須使用-f參數。