late Middle English (in the sense encircled): from Latin succinctustucked up, past participle of succingere, from sub-from below + cingeregird
1 . 簡潔的
succeed 繼位,繼承; 成功succinct簡明,簡潔的succor 援助,幫助
2 . 精粹
succinct(精粹), 此釋義來源于網絡辭典。
3 . 簡明的
...聯想記憶詞匯教程list 39__考研站__來我網 ...succinctadj. 簡明的,簡潔的succumb v. 屈服于(誘惑)
4 . 簡明
succeed 繼位,繼承; 成功succinct簡明,簡潔的succor 援助,幫助
+succinct plane
1 . 簡潔的平面
starts from the function to begin , to use the succinct plane figure , is reasonable unifies the function and the layout , causes it to have the function and the artistic unification .從功能開始著手,采用簡潔的平面圖形,合理的將功能和布局結合起來,使其產生功能和美觀的統一。
+succinct style
1 . 簡潔的風格
a succinct style ., 簡潔的風格.
+modelling succinct
1 . 造型簡潔
personalized rear light modelling succinct sprightly , but worked fine , the detail rich circular cavity is for complete bikes's design the function which added the finishing touch .個性化的尾燈造型簡潔明快,而其中做工精致、細節豐富的圓形內腔更是為整車的設計起到了畫龍點睛的作用。
+succinct passages
1 . 簡潔的段落
Milton summarizes the people's case in many such succinct passages .彌爾頓在許多簡潔的段落中概括了人民的處境。