1 . It is not easy to make a simile go on all fours.
2 . I believe this simile largely speaks the truth.
3 . However, an economic model is not an accurate blueprint but an analytical simile .
然而, 經濟模型不是一幅準確的藍圖,而是一個分析的明喻.
4 . This is the simile of what I have just given to you.
5 . As I walked on slowly, a bright simile bloomed on my face.
我慢慢地走著, 我臉上現出了快樂的笑容.
1 . 明喻
...明喻,simile,與暗喻,metaphor, 二,排比,parallelism, 三,比擬,pers.
2 . 直喻
similarity n 類似(similar相似的+ity)similen 直喻,明喻similitude a 類似,相像(simil+itude)
1 . 動態模擬
dynamic similarity 動態相似性dynamic similation 動態模擬dynamic skew 動態扭斜
1 . 蘭嶼赤楠
...蘭嶼赤楠(學名:Syzygium simile)為桃金娘科蒲桃屬下的一個種。== 參考文獻 ==refbegin* TaiBNET| zh=蘭嶼赤楠| id=203772 | binomial=Syzygium simile | authority=Merr. Merr., 1950.
1 . 大葉魚骨木
...大葉魚骨木(學名:Canthium simile)為茜草科魚骨木屬下的一個種。== 參考文獻 ==refbegin* CPNI| zh=大葉魚骨木| id=078-45789 | binomial=Canthium simile | authority=Merr. & Chun | va.
1 . 史詩明喻
充滿史詩明喻(epic simile): 荷馬式明喻,敘事詩的明喻。所謂敘事詩明喻是.