1 . He showed a propensity for violence.
2 . He has a propensity for drinking too much alcohol.
3 . Mr Bint has a propensity to put off decisions to the last minute.
4 . She hasn't reckoned on his propensity for violence.
5 . His propensity for [ toward ] wonder and adventure was growing constantly.
他對驚奇、冒險的 癖好 與日俱增.
1.an inclination to do something;
he felt leanings toward frivolity
2.a natural inclination;
he has a proclivity for exaggeration
3.a disposition to behave in a certain way;
the aptness of iron to rust
1 . 傾向
reason(理由)for doing sth / to do sthpropensity(傾向)for doing sth / to do sthmood(心緒)for doing sth / to do sth
2 . 習性
2007年10月3日 - 依據這些基本概念,本文運用該理論探討知識分享行為,理解成本效益的考量會影響到擁有知識者從事知識分享行為的習性(propensity) .討論的重點則包括分享.
3 . 傳動軸安全圈
傳動軸propeller shaft safety strap傳動軸安全圈propensity傾向propensityto consume
4 . 嗜好
Within books, one can fin... ...propensity傾向;嗜好a branch of 分支
1 . 靜斜
static pressure bearing 靜壓軸承static propensity 靜斜static seals 靜封
1 . 冒險傾向
冒險傾向(risk propensity)指個體接受或回避風險的傾向性。冒險傾向對管理者作決策所用的吲間以及作決策之前需要的信息量都有影響。一項研究讓79名管理者進行模擬.
2 . 風險傾向
風險傾向(risk Propensity) 指承擔或是逃避風險同時隨著時間的推移根據經驗結果發生改變的長期積累形成的傾向,是一種長久的一貫的傾向,它能習得或繼承(.
1 . 易著火性
ignition prevention 預防著火ignition propensity 易著火性ignition range 點火范圍
1 . 傾向評分
To this end , the authors a generalised propensity score technique ., 為此 , 作者用廣義的傾向評分技術.
2 . 傾向指數
a monte - carlo study for propensity score methods ., 傾向指數方法的蒙特卡羅研究.