1.a particular point in time;
the moment he arrived the party began
2.an indefinitely short time;
wait just a moment
3.at this time;
the disappointments of the here and now
4.having important effects or influence;
decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself
5.the moment of a couple is the product of its force and the distance between its opposing forces
6.the n-th moment of a distribution is the expected value of the n-th power of the deviations from a fixed value
契機 moment 通常指事物發展過 程中的關鍵 、 樞紐或決定性的環節。G.W.F.黑格爾在他的著作中使用該詞指處在整體中的、與整體的其他部分密切聯系著的環節。他把哲學史比作是包含著許多小圓圈的大圓圈,認為歷史上出現的每個哲學體系,同其他的哲學體系互相關聯著,都是哲學史這一全體或整體的一個必然環節。在事物由量到質的發展和轉化過程中,關節點就是一種連接由量變過渡到質變的契機。在人們的社會實踐活動和科學理論研究中,