late 16th cent.: from French médiocre, from Latin mediocrisof middle height or degree, literally somewhat rugged or mountainous, from mediusmiddle + ocrisrugged mountain
1.moderate to inferior in quality;
they improved the quality from mediocre to above average
2.of no exceptional quality or ability;
a novel of average merit
3.poor to middling in quality;
there have been good and mediocre and bad artists
2. 中等的
1 . 平凡的
medievalize 使中古化mediocre平凡的mediocrity 平常
2 . 中等的
medio-twist 中等捻度mediocre中等的mediophyric 中斑晶的
3 . 普普通通的
measurement 測量法、度量mediocre普普通通的Melbourne 墨爾本
4 . 平庸的
. 。6. mediocrea. 平庸的- 基于4個網頁
+mediocre person
1 . 庸人
He is not a mediocre person ., 他并非庸人.
+mediocre student
1 . 平凡的學生
He was a mediocre student ; his academic records were not excellent , but not bad , either ., 他是平凡的學生, 成績不優秀 , 也不壞.
+mediocre minds
1 . 平凡人
Great spirits alway encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds ., 偉大的心靈總是遭遇來自平凡人的強烈反對.
+Merely mediocre
1 . 不過爾爾
得意時應善待他人,因為你失意時會需要他們毫不夸張(It is no exaggeration)地說,大梅正本的本原不過爾爾(Merely mediocre),要緊是靠競爭硬把他給拔到如今的景色;試想一下,你把靈魂交給了書,書把智慧交給了你。