1 . 獨立性
...以上違背了期望效用理論的獨立性(independence)原則或稱為確定事件原則(surething principle)依獨立性原則人們對A(C)或選擇B(.
2 . 自變
idenfinite integration 不定積分法independence獨立;自變independent equations 獨立方程
3 . 獨立性的
panelist shall be impartial and independent and shall have , before accepting appointment , disclosed to the Provider any circumstances giving rise to justifiable doubt as to the Panelist's impartiality or independence.陪審員應該是公正而獨立的,在接受指派之前應向服務提供方表明任何會引起對
4 . 獨立地位
Taiwan split from China amid civil war in 1949 and has since achieved de facto independence, forming its own government , issuing its own currency and developing modern armed forces .臺灣在1949年內戰中與中國分裂,從那以后以后取得事實上的獨立地位,擁有自己的政府,發行自己的貨幣,并發展自己的軍隊。