1.the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about;
it was not a good idea
2.a personal view;
he has an idea that we don't like him
3.an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth;
an estimate of what it would cost
4.your intention; what you intend to do;
he had in mind to see his old teacher
5.(music) melodic subject of a musical composition;
the theme is announced in the first measures
中國人民大學國際發展交流協會 一、 協會簡介 中國人民大學國際發展交流協會(International Development ExchangeAssociation,RUC)簡稱IDEA,成立于2000年4 月23 日,是中國人民大學第一個學生自己創辦,自己運作的具有國際交流性質的學生社團。 自協會成立起,我們一直與包括各國大使館、知名企業、兄弟院校、社會團體、留學生群體等在內的校內外各相關團體保持緊密聯系,積極開展各種豐富多彩的活動,在學生和社會之間搭建了