1.the time yet to come
2.a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the future
3.bulk commodities bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date
4.yet to be or coming;
some future historian will evaluate him
5.effective in or looking toward the future;
he was preparing for future employment opportunities
6.coming at a subsequent time or stage;
the future president entered college at the age of 16
7.(of elected officers) elected but not yet serving;
our next president
8.a verb tense or other formation referring to events or states that have not yet happened;
future auxiliary
通信科技 FuTURE指未來通用無線環境研究計劃 2001年,“國家863計劃”啟動了面向后三代/四代(B3G/4G)的移動通信發展研究計劃——未來通用無線環境研究計劃(簡稱FuTURE計劃)。其主要目標是面向未來10年無線通信領域的發展趨勢與需求,重點突破新一代移動通信系統關鍵技術,逐步建立一個集大范圍蜂窩移動通信、區域性寬帶無線接入和短程無線連接為一體的通用無線電環境,為中國未來無線與移動通信產業的跨越式發展創造條件。 20