1.activities that are enjoyable or amusing;
I do it for the fun of it
2.verbal wit (often at another's expense but not to be taken seriously);
he became a figure of fun
3.violent and excited activity;
she asked for money and then the fun began
4.a disposition to find (or make) causes for amusement;
her playfulness surprised me
5.providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining;
an amusing speaker
一、fun是什么? fun是一種高妙的生活態度,從樂觀角度去看待世間萬物,捕捉、制造樂趣,就無處不可樂。 fun是一種夢寐以求的結果,只要用積極的心態去播種快樂,就能收獲喜劇人生。 fun是一種大智慧,對生活的大徹大悟,源自內心的智慧和幽默感,可化解一切烏云。 fun思潮的出現,源自現代社會的精神危機?,F代生活就像一道急流,人們拿著表思考一切,永遠行色匆匆、疲于奔命,如同一只只高速旋轉的陀螺。人們不愛思考,也害怕思