1.the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area
2.land that is covered with trees and shrubs
1.establish a forest on previously unforested land;
afforest the mountains
簡介 姓名:Patrik Lindberg 年齡:23 住址:Upplands Vasby, Sweden 戰隊:SK 分辨率:640*480 游戲靈敏度:3.5(-noforcemparms-noforcemaccel) Windows靈敏度:3/11 監視器刷新率:100Hz 數字振動:無 桌面Gamma:默認 游戲Gamma:3.0 游戲亮度:2.0 垂直同步:關閉 \準心大小:大 準心顏色:綠色 準心透明:否 動態準心:否 鼠標驅動:無電腦硬件 處理器:Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.20GHz 主板:Intel 顯卡:All-in-Wonder? X800