1 . 吸引
enthrall 迷住entice吸引,引誘entitle 給與名稱,使有資格,使有權利
2 . 誘惑
enthusiasm n. 熱情enticev. 誘惑entitle v. 給…以權利;題目為;給…稱號.
3 . 引誘
4 . 誘使
enthymeme 省略三段論entice誘使enticement 誘惑物
+entice you
1 . 吸引你
cut back on sugar . stress hormones and brain chemicals might entice you to nibble on sweets , but remember , the first two bites satisfy brain chemistry . anything after that is pure indulgence .削減糖的攝入。應激激素和腦化學物質可能會吸引你吃糖,但請記住,吃兩口就足以滿足大腦需要。再多吃就純屬放縱了。
+enticements gradually
1 . 誘餌漸漸
enticements gradually included nifty water-proof swollen thorns to live in , handy nectar fountains , and special ant-food buds atleaf tips .誘餌漸漸囊括了可供螞蟻居住的防水的漂亮巨刺,現成的蜜露泉,和專為螞蟻準備的食物——葉尖嫩苞。
+entice customers
1 . 吸引顧客
outside the store , meanwhile , touts try to entice customers in laminated pamphlets offering up to 25 per cent off the listed price .與此同時,在店外,券販子正試圖吸引顧客進店,他們手里拿著促銷券,提供的折扣高達店內明示價格的25%。
+enticed him
1 . 慫恿他
While Timmy was confined to bed , it enticed him to eat quantities ., 當提米臥床時 , 它慫恿他大量地吃.