1 . 吃勢
常用服裝外貿英語詞匯高清滾眼 ... random dyeing 扎染,距離染色 easing吃勢,[粵]容位 easy care 免燙.
2 . 寬松政策
An early experiment with quantitative easingoccurred in Japan in 1932 ., 定量寬松政策的早期試驗發生在 1932年的日本.
3 . 容位
fullness 拋位easing 容位back stitching 回針
4 . 寬松的貨幣政策
but will the Europeans the way and adopt the other plank the Fed's policy toolbox of quantitative easingand blow up their balance sheets by issuing new money to buy securities ?然而,歐洲是否會自始至終效仿美聯儲,并采用美聯儲政策工具箱中的另一條綱領——定量寬松的貨幣政策,通過增發貨幣買入證券而擴大資產負債表呢?