1.an unpleasant or disastrous destiny;
everyone was aware of the approaching doom but was helpless to avoid it
1.decree or designate beforehand;
She was destined to become a great pianist
2.pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law;
He was condemned to ten years in prison
3.make certain of the failure or destruction of;
This decision will doom me to lose my position
一本關于游戲DOOM兩位作者以及DOOM游戲從鼎盛到衰落的歷史教科書。 電子游戲已成為信息時代的日常娛樂,而它背后的文化和歷史卻鮮為人知。本書是第一部游戲領域的傳記文學,它忠實詳盡地講述了兩位玩家是如何走上游戲之路,如何制作出迄今為止影響力最大的游戲作品——Doom和Quake,以及他們為何在最輝煌的時候分道揚鑣。與所有傳記文學一樣,不同的讀者能從中得到不同體驗:游戲制作的背景內幕,光環之中的趣聞軼事,年少創業的