別把它當真,他只不過是在開玩笑。6.disrespectvt. 不尊敬, 不尊重No disrespect(to you), but I think you are wrong.
+he disrespected
1 . 他蔑視
he disrespected all authority figures .他蔑視所有權威人物.
+disrespect me
1 . 瞧不起我
like most bullies , mine was ridiculing me to destroy my self confidence and to make other employees disrespect me .和多數暴力者一樣,我的這位曾經嘲笑我來破壞我的自信心,讓別的員工瞧不起我。
+disrespect us
1 . 不在乎我們
but you wanna risk it all disrespect us . and for what , for vengeance ?可是你不在乎我們去冒險只為了報仇?
+disrespectful manner
1 . 無禮的方式
your tween is talking back in a flippant , disrespectful manner . while tween back-talk and sass are on the rise , allowing it is a huge mistake .當你的孩子以輕率、無禮的方式頂嘴時,當你的孩子愛頂嘴和愛說狂妄的話的問題日趨嚴重,你必須承認那是個錯誤。