1 . 意識
...第五節體覺第六節意識(consciousness) 第二章認識的官能(二)心理作用.
2 . 意識的
consciousness意向, consciousness意識的, consciousness意念
3 . 知覺
...上動有效之工,使之逐漸脫離罪的污染得著潔凈、逐漸效法基督的樣式而改變。圣靈在我們內里的工作反映于我們的知覺和意識(awareness and con-sciousness)中,我們對這事實不可存偏見;又不可轉移成圣為僅潛意識(subconscious)的活動,忽略了成圣乃涉及人整個知覺活動的范圍(the whole field of conscious activity)。但是,有一事實卻必然辨別,即圣靈是成圣的動工者;這事實遠超出我們的分析或內省。這動工者恒常不斷地工作,其果效顯示于人的理解(un
4 . 清醒
consciously 有意識地consciousness清醒consciousness-expanding 擴張知覺的
+consciousness and protective consciousness
1 . 防護意識
good property and high quality isolation protective materials will have broad market prospect with the improving of health consciousness and protective consciousness .說明了隨著人們對健康防護意識的不斷提高,高性能、高品質的隔離防護材料將有良好的市場應用前景。
+consciousness -
1 . 產生意識
at the same time , the doctors are continuing their quest , hoping that price can assist alzheimer' s patients and others by helping to answer a question as old as human consciousness - how do we retrieve memories ?同時,醫生們還在繼續著他們的疑問,他們希望普里斯協助病人,通過她的孤例去解決自人
+consciousness and gender consciousness
1 . 意識與性別意識
in Toni Morrison's works , it's not hard for readers to find double-consciousness : racial consciousness and gender consciousness .從莫里森的作品中我們不難發現蘊含其中的兩重意識——種族意識與性別意識。
+consciousness and responsibility consciousness
1 . 意識和責任意識
must enhance political consciousness and responsibility consciousness further , produce example effect adequately .必須進一步增強政治意識和責任意識,充分發揮表率作用。