1 . 譴責
chill 寒冷的castigatev. 懲治;苛評;譴責agate
2 . 懲罰
3 . 嚴懲
pillory 公開示眾castigate嚴懲hand – man
4 . 嚴厲批評
bungle 搞壞,貽誤castigate嚴厲批評- 基于43個網頁
+get castigations
1 . 得到報應的
lady , don't photocopy any more.Otherwise , you may get castigations .小姐,不要在影印了,你會得到報應的!
+he castigated
1 . 他斥責
and mr zhu also revealed something about the venue itself . he described the jingxi guesthouse as " resplendent and magnificent " , even as he castigated local officials for building edifices of similar glamour .朱基同樣也披露了會議地點的一些情況,他形容京西賓館金碧輝煌宏偉壯觀,一如他斥責地方政府
+they castigate
1 . 他們申斥
when they castigate an English-language newspaper in Shanghai for publishing " rumors " about mines the Yangtze River , they are asserting the rights of power against the individual right .當他們申斥上海一家英文報紙發表長江內有水雷的“謠言”時,他們是在使用政權的力量反對個人權利。
+castigate the Government
1 . 嚴厲批評政府
the remark was a Labour Party spokesman to castigate the Government for this attempt , which , in Labour's opinion is bound to lead to disaster .這個評語是工黨發言人用來嚴厲批評政府的這個企圖,這一企圖在工黨看來是肯定要引向災難的。