1 . 帶黑色的
1. blackjackblackish帶黑色的blackland 黑土
2 . 帶黑色
the male has blackishplumage with a white band around the neck ., 雄性有帶黑色的羽毛 , 頸部有白帶.
3 . 微黑
These groups , which lack the blackishpurple spots on corolla lobes , probably represent distinct subspecies ., 這些組 , 在花冠裂片上缺乏微黑的紫色斑點 , 或許描述離生的亞種 . 根可藥用.
4 . 略帶黑色
blackishaphid that infests e . g . beans and beets ., 在豆類和甜菜上滋生的略帶黑色的蚜蟲.