1.an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each;
he made a bargain with the devil
2.an advantageous purchase;
she got a bargain at the auction
1.negotiate the terms of an exchange;
We bargained for a beautiful rug in the bazaar
2.come to terms; arrive at an agreement
《Bargain》是一款日本時尚雜志。 雜志簡介 《Bargain》是一份經典暢銷的時尚女性名牌包袋配飾雜志。從時尚女裝到時尚女鞋,從精美彩妝到精致女包,配五彩繽紛的女性飾品。其中以名牌包袋為主,介紹各類時尚品牌與時尚搭配潮流。深受時尚人士及愛包一族的青睞。 《越獄》第四季提到的秘密文件關鍵內容 Bargain這個單詞原意為交易或協議,但是在越獄第四季中主角Michael Scofield在做腦部手術時進入了自己的思維(貌似回憶但不全是