1.give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
2.give out or allot;
We were assigned new uniforms
3.attribute or credit to;
We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare
4.select something or someone for a specific purpose;
The teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the exercise
5.attribute or give;
She put too much emphasis on her the last statement
6.make undue claims to having
7.transfer one's right to
8.decide as to where something belongs in a scheme;
The biologist assigned the mushroom to the proper class
C++ string類的成員函數,用于拷貝、賦值操作,它們允許我們順次地把一個string 對象的 部分內容拷貝到另一個string 對象上。 函數原型: string &operator=(const string &s);把字符串s賦給當前字符串 string &assign(const char *s);用c類型字符串s賦值 string &assign(const char *s,int n);用c字符串s開始的n個字符賦值 string &assign(const string &s);把字符串s賦給當前字符串 string &assign