1.the products of human creativity; works of art collectively;
an art exhibition
2.the creation of beautiful or significant things;
art does not need to be innovative to be good
3.a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation;
the art of conversation
4.photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication;
the publisher was responsible for all the artwork in the book
代數重建法 ART(Algebra Reconstruction Technique, ART),即代數重建法。 在圖像重建方法中,迭代重建法的經典方法是Gorden R.等提出的代數重建法(Algebra Reconstruction Technique, ART),及Gilbert P.提出的聯合迭代重建算法(Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique, SIRT)。 其后發展的多種算法大致可以分兩類:一類是對兩種經典迭代格式的修正,如Eggerment P. B.等將ART中的Kacmarz迭代改進為固定塊迭代,Censor