1.the right to enter
2.the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something (as services or membership)
3.a way of entering or leaving;
he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge
4.(computer science) the operation of reading or writing stored information
5.the act of approaching or entering;
he gained access to the building
1.obtain or retrieve from a storage device; as of information on a computer
2.reach or gain access to;
How does one access the attic in this house?
Microsoft Office Access(前名 Microsoft Access)是由微軟發布的關聯式數據庫管理系統。它結合了 Microsoft Jet Database Engine 和 圖形用戶界面兩項特點,是 Microsoft Office的成員之一。其實Access 也是微軟公司另一個通訊程序的名字,想與 ProComm 以及其他類似程序來競爭。可是事后微軟證實這是個失敗計劃,并且將它中止。數年后他們把名字重新命名于數據庫軟件。Access在2000年的時候成為了計算機等級考試中的計算機二級的一種數據庫語言并且因為它的易學易用的特點正逐步取代傳統的VFP成為二級中最受歡迎的數據庫語言。